Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A month later...

Yeah it's been a month since I posted, but there is more to come as I am working on making improvements and starting a video version of iBlog stuff.

So stay tuned in the coming weeks a new iblog stuff will emerge.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Simpson's

I can't wait for The Simpson's movie to come out at the end of the month. Burger King once again has a fun website to promote it Simpsonizeme.com, upload a picture of yourself and it will instantly turn you into your vary own Simpson character. I am at work right now, so when I get home I will try this and post the results. If you got time try it yourself now.


Here is my picture:

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I hate traffic. Especially when it is not warrented. Some motorcycles decided to crash and people got detoured to my route home.

Sad panda!

If you ever wanted a mustache

Well Burger King has a new website promoting their, I believe, Western Whopper, but the cool part about it is that you have the chance to upload a photo of yourself then grow your own moustache.

I like Burger King, but we only like have 4 of them around here as they don't do well in Western, PA.

So for those who are mustache enabled or what to know what you might look like with one go to PetMoustache.com and try it out.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Get Smart

No this isn't going to be about how to make yourself smarter, but about teh movie version of Get Smart starring Steve Carell and Alan Arkin.

I use to watch the old TV SHow episodes as a kid. BTW I am not that old I am only 25. I enjoyed the humor of the show and was excited to find the trailer for the movie as Steve Carell is hysterical in anything he's in, yes that includes Evan Almighty.

To watch the trailer to this click HERE to go to the MSN Movie page.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Wonderer

I work in a pretty big office. There are between 2,000-3,000 employees that work here on any given day.

I work in an area of about 30-35 people. The group I work with includes myself and one other person. Which is nice since not many people bother us about doing our jobs, because both of us like getting our stuff done with.

A sister group of ours consists about 8 people and they answer customer calls and assist them with any web problems they may have. One person in this group I call the wonderer.

As in all they do is wonder around the office bothering people, I am not sure is he is aware that he is bothering people but just by the looks people give him and how short they are with him should be enough of a hint, but I guess not.

I think he searches for some kind of self gratification, as in when he takes a call he has to run to his supervisor and tell her all about it, which I then hear to because, in the land of cubicles, mine is right be hers. I don’t know why he needs a “pat on the back” for everything he does. I guess he wants to feel important.

He’s one of those people who has worked in that group for a long time and applies for every open position here, but fails to get it because his reputation precedes him.

I think he means well, but he’s gotten on my nerves as we see him wondering around looking for people to listen to him about the latest phone call he received.

My co-worker just wants to pick him up and throw him back down in his chair and once said he would like to “nail him with a bat” all said jokingly, because I don’t see him ever doing that.

So Mr. Wonder, do us all a favor and just SIT THE F*CK DOWN!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Conan O'Brien

This guy has always made me laugh as I find him smart, witty and an overall nice guy. I here NBC is thinking about getting out of his deal to take over The Tonight Show in 2009 after Jay Leno leaves because that's the year John Stewert's contract is up at the Daily Show.

I hope it's not true, but Conan will land somewhere else.

Vanity Fair sat down with him and dicussed how he landed as a writer on The Simpsons.

One thing that I thought was funny was Conan never wroate a show like the Simpson's before. He only wrote sketches for Saturday Night Live.

Here's what he said:

I'd never written in that form before. I'd only written sketches, and I'd done a pilot with Robert Smigel, Lookwell. I told them, "Look, I've never written a Simpsons episode, I've never really written a sitcom script." But I had a good reputation at that point, so on the strength of that they just said, "Well, come on."

How lucky was he.

If you want to read more of this article click HERE and it will take you to it.

It's a good read.